STORYTELLING: Zak and the Vet.
To finish the subject called “Planning for Effective Teaching for Young Learners” after these 11 areas, we have one more area where we work on storytelling.
We have learned to use a good tool that helps teachers to create good and interactive lessons. This tool is called NEARPOD

We had a book to work phonics (CVC) and we have to create a lesson using Nearpod to work with children and this book.  
My book is called “Zak and the Vet” by Julia Donaldson.  

If you want to see my Nearpod lesson about this book click here! I hope you like it.

I have also done more resources to work with CVC in low tech. 

- A puzzle to work with CVC.

- Jolly phonics and a magnetic whiteboard to drag letters to form CVC.

11. YOU - ME - WORLD

In this area we have three nice activities to work with very young children in the area called "You – me - world"

Night time:

The aims of this activity are:
- To develop a sense of time.
- To develop knowledge and understanding of bedtime routines.
- To develop nurturing behaviour through pretend play (help Owl go to sleep).

Night time. PLAN: Click here! 

Night time. LOW TECH:

Night time. NOTEBOOK: Click here! 

Night time. INTERACTION: Click here! 

Plants and animals:

The aims of this activity are:
- To develop the ability to distinguish between living (animate) and non-living (inanimate) things.
- To develop the ability to distinguish between plants and animals.
- To practise using substitute signs and symbols to represent real objects.
- To foster the pleasure of connecting with nature,
- To introduce the concept of classification -use specified categories to group living things.

Plants and animals. PLAN: Click here! 

Plants and animals. LOW TECH:

Plants and animals. NOTEBOOK: Click here! 

Plants and animals. INTERACTION: Click here!

Who lives here?:
The aims of this activity are:
- To develop the ability to use symbols to represent an adult and a child.
- To develop the ability to construct representations of a house and family.
- To use representations of a house and a family.
- To develop the concept of "an address".
- To learn their address - the number of the house and the name of the road.
- To develop the ability to use substitute shapes to represent real objects.

Who lives here?. PLAN: Click here! 

Who lives here?. LOW TECH:

Who lives here?. NOTEBOOK: Click here! 

Who lives here?. INTERACTION: Click here! 


In this area we have three nice activities to work with very young children in the area called "Expressive Movement"

Frightened forest creatures and the dangerous wolves:

The aims of this activity are:
- To develop expressive movements for conveying kindness, unkindness and sadness (longing).
- To combine these movements with expressive movements for representing a specific character.
- To practise staying in role while working directly with a partner (teacher/peer).
- To move freely and fluently using the whole body.

Frightened forest creatures and the dangerous wolves. PLAN: Click here! 

Frightened forest creatures and the dangerous wolves. LOW TECH:

Frightened forest creatures and the dangerous wolves. NOTEBOOK: Click here! 

Frightened forest creatures and the dangerous wolves. INTERACTION: Click here! 

Let’s drive the car:

The aims of this activity are:
- To enter into the emotional and imaginative world of a story through movement.
- To develop a rich repertoire of expressive actions.
- To copy the teacher's changes of expressive action.
- To start performing an action in response to a verbal or non verbal request.
- To stop performing an action in response to a verbal or non verbal request.

Let’s drive the car. PLAN: Click here! 

Let’s drive the car. LOW TECH:

Let’s drive the car. NOTEBOOK: Click here! 

Let’s drive the car. INTERACTION: Click here! 

Talking to bird:

The aims of this activity are:
- To understand the meaning of a variety of gestures (greeting, beckoning a friend, offering food, waving goodbye, nodding in agreement).
- To use the gestures to interact with a puppet.
- To introduce a technique for imitating the actions of a bird.
- To develop vocal mimicry - using a clear, long drawn-out sound.

Talking to bird. PLAN: Click here! 

Talking to bird. LOW TECH:

Talking to bird. NOTEBOOK: Click here! 

Talking to bird. INTERACTION: Click here! 


In this area we have two nice activities to work with very young children in the area called "exploration"


The aim of this activity is:
- To introduce the concept of water condensation water as it cools.

Condensation. PLAN: Click here! 

Condensation. LOW TECH:

Condensation. NOTEBOOK: Click here!

Condensation. INTERACTION: Click here!

Playing with symbols: Ice – Water - Steam.

The aims of this activity are:
- To consolidate knowledge of the three states of water.
- To introduce symbols for ice, water, steam, warmth and cold.
- To practise understanding and using the symbols.

Playing with symbols: Ice – Water - Steam. PLAN: Click here! 

Playing with symbols: Ice – Water - Steam. LOW TECH: 

Playing with symbols: Ice – Water - Steam. NOTEBOOK: Click here! 

Playing with symbols: Ice – Water - Steam. INTERACTION: Click here!


A nice activity to work with very young children in the area called "Construction"

Drive Over, Float Under:

The aims of this activity are:
- To develop the ability to build a structure to meet given criteria.
- To foster analytical thinking.
- To elicit the ability to analyse a construction before building it: identify the purpose of the structure, identify the main functional components, identify necessary physical characteristics, e.g. width, height, steps for a footbridge, and ramps for a road bridge.
- To practise constructing spans and piers.
- To develop the ability to identify and name the most important functional components of a structure.
- To review the idea that the specific function of a structure governs our choice of blocks.
- To foster understanding of spatial orientation and symmetry.
- To practise using the language of spatial orientation, e.g. over, under, next to, across, on both sides, opposite, beyond, etc.
- To encourage children to work together as a team.

Drive Over, Float Under. PLAN: Click here!

Drive Over, Float Under. LOW TECH:Click here! 

Drive Over, Float Under. NOTEBOOK: Click here!

Drive Over, Float Under. INTERACTION: Click here!


In this area we have two nice activities to work with very young children in the area called "Creative modelling"

Big Bear, Little Bear:

The aims of this activity are:
- To develop curiosity and creativity.
- To create a representation of bears in a winter landscape.
- To use a given procedure to construct the structures of big and little bears.
- To work in a group.
- To develop a model of a wild animal.

Big Bear, Little Bear. PLAN: Click here!

Big Bear, Little Bear. LOW TECH:

Big Bear, Little Bear. NOTEBOOK: Click here! 

Big Bear, Little Bear. INTERACTION: Click here!

Switch on the lights:

The aims of this activity are:
- To develop curiosity and creativity.
- To complete and transform a representation of buildings at night.
- To use a given procedure to transform a feature (switch on the lights).
- To work in a group.
- To know about electric lights.

Switch on the lights. PLAN: Click here! 

Switch on the lights. LOW TECH:

Switch on the lights. NOTEBOOK: Click here! 

Switch on the lights. INTERACTION: Click here!


In this area we have two nice activities to work with very young children in the area called "Visual - spatial"

Can we help Teddy?:

The aims of this activity are:
- To explore spatial concepts.
- To show that we can use symbols (substitute shapes) to represent real objects.
- To arrange substitute shapes on a piece of paper to represent a simple room layout.

Can we help Teddy?. PLAN: Click here!

Can we help Teddy?. LOW TECH:

Can we help Teddy?. NOTEBOOK: Click here!

Can we help Teddy?. INTERACTION: Click here!

From a different point of view:

The aims of this activity are:
- To know that an object can look different if you look at it from different sides.
- To learn that viewpoint or perspective depends on orientation in space.
- To make plans involving a relatively complex arrangement of tables and chairs.
- To decide wich shape is most appropriate for each part of a plan.
- To identify personal position in a room and mark it on a plan. 

From a different point of view. PLAN: Click here!

From a different point of view. LOW TECH:

From a different point of view. NOTEBOOK: Click here!

From a different point of view. INTERACTION: Click here!


In this area we have two nice activities to work with very young children in the area called "Artographics"

Grandmother and Naughty Kitten:

The aims of this activity are:
- To develop pencil control.
- To develop spatial awareness when drawing/writing.
- To develop artistic rhythm.
- To fill all the available space with continuous curved lines when drawing.
- To master the psychographic skills of writing.
- To introduce substitution – the action of representing real objects and events by drawing.

Grandmother and Naughty Kitten. PLAN: Click here!

Grandmother and Naughty Kitten. LOW TECH: 

Grandmother and Naughty Kitten. NOTEBOOK: Click here!

Grandmother and Naughty Kitten. INTERACTION: Click here!

Happy and Sad Music:

The aims of this activity are:
- To produce abstract artistic compositions.
- To use colours as symbols for expressing mood.

Happy and Sad Music. PLAN: Click here!

Happy and Sad Music. LOW TECH:

Happy and Sad Music. NOTEBOOK: Click here!

Happy and Sad Music. INTERACTION: Click here!