We based our grammar activities in this book called "The Grammar Handbook 1" by Sara Wernham and Sue Lloyd.
The Grammar Handbook 1 is designed to follow The
phonics Handbook. It is intended to:
- Introduce the rudiments of grammar.
- Teach spelling systematically.
- Improve vocabulary and comprehension.
- Reinforce the teaching in The Phonics Handbook, and
- Extend the children’s phonic knowledge.
The teaching is multisensory, active and progresses at
a challenging pace. It is especially suitable for young children. Each part of
speech, for example, is taught with its own action and colour. The actions
enliven the teaching, and make the learning easier. The colours, which are
useful for identifying parts of speech in sentences, match those used by
Montessori Schools.
The Grammar Handbook 1 provides all the essential
teaching ideas, and I develop 13 tasks during this term in low and high tech:
Here I show you my grammar activities.
Grammar 1: Rainbow Capitals.
Develop the children's ability to recognise and write capital letters. Develop their knowledge of the alphabet.
Knowing the alphabet is the first step towards being able to use word books, dictionaries and thesauruses.
Grammar 1. NOTEBOOK: Click here!
Develop the children's understanding of sentences.
Grammar 2: Sentence sticking.
Develop the children's understanding of sentences.
Grammar 2. NOTEBOOK: Click here!
Grammar 5: Proper nouns.
Develop the children's understanding that there are different types of words, and that each type has a special name.
Proper nouns are the names given to particular people and places, and to months and days of the week.
Grammar 5. LOW TECH: Click here!
Grammar 5. NOTEBOOK: Click here!
Grammar 6: Common nouns.
Develop the children's understanding that there are different types of words, and that each type has a special name.
Proper nouns are the names given to particular people and places, and to months and days of the week.
Grammar 5. LOW TECH: Click here!
Grammar 5. NOTEBOOK: Click here!
Grammar 6: Common nouns.
Develop the children's understanding of common nouns.
Grammar 6. LOW TECH: Click here!
Grammar 6. NOTEBOOK: Click here!
Grammar 7: Alphabetical order.
Develop the children's knowledge of the alphabet.
Grammar 7. LOW TECH: Click here!
Grammar 7. NOTEBOOK: Click here!
Grammar 8: "a" or "an".
Develop the children's knowledge of when to use "an" instead of "a". ("A" and "an" are indefinite articles).
Grammar 8. LOW TECH: Click here!
Grammar 8. NOTEBOOK: Click here!
Grammar 10: Pronouns.
Develop the children's knowledge of personal pronouns.
Grammar 10. LOW TECH: Click here!
Grammar 10. NOTEBOOK: Click here!
Grammar 15: Conjugating Verbs.
Develop the children's knowledge of verbs.
Grammar 15. LOW TECH: Click here!
Grammar 15. NOTEBOOK: Click here!
Grammar 16: Past Tense.
Develop the children's knowledge of the past tense. Explain that the simple past tense of a regular verb is formed by adding "ed" to the root.
Grammar 16. LOW TECH: Click here!
Grammar 16. NOTEBOOK: Click here!
Grammar 17: Doubling Rule.
Develop the children's ability to recognise the short vowels in words, so that they learn when to apply the doubling rule before adding "ed".
Grammar 17. LOW TECH: Click here!
Grammar 17. NOTEBOOK: Click here!
Grammar 18: The future.
Develop the children's understanding of verbs, so they know that a verb can describe the past, present or future.
Grammar 18. LOW TECH: Click here!
Grammar 18. NOTEBOOK: Click here!
Grammar 27 & 28: Adverbs.
Develop the children's understanding of adverbs. Adverbs are words which describe verbs.
Grammar 27 & 28. LOW TECH: Click here!
Grammar 27 & 28. NOTEBOOK: Click here!
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