In this area we have two nice activities to work with very young children in the area called "Creative modelling"

Big Bear, Little Bear:

The aims of this activity are:
- To develop curiosity and creativity.
- To create a representation of bears in a winter landscape.
- To use a given procedure to construct the structures of big and little bears.
- To work in a group.
- To develop a model of a wild animal.

Big Bear, Little Bear. PLAN: Click here!

Big Bear, Little Bear. LOW TECH:

Big Bear, Little Bear. NOTEBOOK: Click here! 

Big Bear, Little Bear. INTERACTION: Click here!

Switch on the lights:

The aims of this activity are:
- To develop curiosity and creativity.
- To complete and transform a representation of buildings at night.
- To use a given procedure to transform a feature (switch on the lights).
- To work in a group.
- To know about electric lights.

Switch on the lights. PLAN: Click here! 

Switch on the lights. LOW TECH:

Switch on the lights. NOTEBOOK: Click here! 

Switch on the lights. INTERACTION: Click here!

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