Welcome to my blog:
Hello everybody! My name is Jenifer Martín Carbajo and I’m studying the last year of my degree as Infant Teacher at University School of Teaching in Zamora.
I’m studying the “English Mention” and in this term we have three subjects:
  • Oral Communication in Early Language Learning Environments.
  • Planning for Effective Teaching for Young Learners.
  • CLIL in the English Classroom.
In this blog I’m going to show you the contents that we have developed during these four months in Oral communication (Classroom language journal, phonological awareness, phonics, grammar and spelling) and Planning (Sensory mathematics, logic, mathematics, developmental games, artographics, visual - spatial, creative modeling, construction, exploration, expressive movement, you - me - world and storytelling) with my teacher José Luis Astudillo.  

I have tried to produce the different activities and materials as best as I can during this term and this blog is a consequence of this work. Besides the fact that I have tried to make it attractive and interesting, it allows me to have the different activities and materials immediately organised when I will need it.
“My English World” can be used as a reference to other teachers to work on the contents that I have presented.

In the future, I’m going to use this blog as a support for my future teaching of the English language and I will do more resources to work with my future very young and young learners.
The language and activities that appear in this page are focused on very young (3-6) and young children (6-12).

Why “My English World”?
Because during the year 2017 all my life has turned around English. It was a funny year when I could learn a lot of things, I could improve my English and I have known really good people.

I hope you like my blog!

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